
We offer door delivery to all the pincodes in India which is offered by our various delivery partners like FedEx, Blue Dart, Xpressbees, Delhivery, GATI etc. The estimated time and date for the delivery of the consignment is mentioned on the checkout page, it may vary due to Natural Calamity or any other unavoidable circumstance.

The “order within” countdown timer provides the window of time in which you must place the order to receive your delivery by the date shown. The delivery day may become unavailable within that timeframe due to changes in inventory or delivery capacity before you place your order.

Determine Shipping Rates & Times:

Shipping rates and times depend on the shipping speed and the weight/size of the items.

To determine the applicable shipping rate and time for items in your Cart:

Select Proceed to checkout.
Select or add your shipping address.
Select a shipping speed and select Continue.
Select a payment method and select Continue.
The total shipping & handling cost as well as the estimated date of delivery, is listed under Order Summary.

Global Shipping Rates:

The cost to ship items from each product category varies by item, shipment, and shipping option.

Rates are based on shipping a single item. Purchasing multiple items from a seller may result in multiple shipping charges.

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